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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Anonymous41 :We Brazilians can not afford a license of 50R$ and if they come here to tell us that we have conditions GO **** because they do not know what it's like to earn a very low minimum wage and get high taxes and we just want our peurelok back or we'll knock them down The servers one by one

Who the phuq do you think you are you entitled little arse.

If you can't afford something then don't buy it. Can you understand such a basic concept, probably not !

It's entitled wankers like you who are incapable of understanding the difference between 'Want's' and 'Need's' that just show what this planet is becoming.

Lots of people know what a low income is, and LFS is not a 'Need' in life, it's a 'Want'

This whole concept is probably completely beyond your clearly limited understanding. I recommend suicide as a solution to your life problems.

(EDIT: As a buddhist, this advice simply counts as 'restart' in the game of life. Smile )
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I have a copy of RBR as does anyone installing RSRBR. I think their reasoning is that this way they can release a version with updates without the install joy these mods bring.

I believe the Real rally mod are doing the same.

Who even own's the licence these days ?

Bluntly, it's a grey area so lets see if the owner puts their hand up.

Or even re-releases it which would be a great idea as legal copies are nearly impossible to find now.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Be aware, this is dated 9 Nov 2016.......

The US of A voters were actually far more intelligent than I, or many others thought.

Then there is the US media........., who are just paid for presstitutes.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Still there, can be seen even in Hobbitville. It shows on the list when you search, when I attempt to connect it states, "Host not found on Master Server"

Clearly it's easier racing on a hacked server than it is getting a legal race in the Southern Hemosphere.

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Welcome back, good to see your still stalking. Smile

Multiplayer has been dead for a while up here, still one or two demo servers waiting for an update to the game, sure to come 'soon' so many of us wait.............

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Here's a xmas present while we all wait for tyre physics etc for LFS.

This is RBR 2016, NOT RSRBR !!!

This is RBR with 2016 cars, it's a complete mod using NGP, new tyre models, new physics, reworked graphics (sort of !), just download the link.

Do not use the Rally School though, it's a bit broken.
"RBRPlus have taken the base Richard Burns Rally install, along with both retail patches released by SCi, and injected them with all relevant third party plugins necessary to run the game on modern PC hardware – such as resolution fixes, support for multiple inputs, and performance tweaks to get the most out of the application. They’ve also replaced the default car roster and list of AI drivers with the full fleet of cars from the 2016 WRC championship and WRC2 support series, powered by a completely revitalized set of physics that have been re-built from the ground up and draw upon lessons learned from ten years worth of tire model advancements made in other racing simulators.

In short, these random guys from Argentina created the ultimate 2016 World Rally Championship simulator, and the free download weighs in at just 1.6 gigabytes."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :Isn't it counted as piracy posted links to copyrighted content here?

Not as far as I can find out, the size and quality are permitted by Amazon who would copyright strike to infinity and beyond anything they do not permit.
This was also posted on our spam news site, NZ Herald so they felt it was legal.

Good point though, and I do recommend getting an Amazon sub to see it, see my post. Wink

Quality ?, that's a personal view and they are on record as saying that the day after the season finishes they are doing a full review and making changes for season 2.

I enjoy watching the 3 ( and crew) of them and their product so I'm happy.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Another great episode, complete with a hedgehog and a pet mouse, when The Hampster makes a green car he doesn't mess about.

But as usual, the media have a melt down at nothing, literally nothing. But why not invent something to sell a story.

Here is a VERY poor copy of the bit in question.

This show is worth getting Amazon for though just to see it in 4k splendor. It looks seriously good on 1920x1080.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Or do you need a safe zone with kittens and playdough ?
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
It was a great comeback, although his crew chief was having a meltdown when he was scrapping with Scotty Mc and Courtney over the last few laps.
And his win on Sunday just proved his quality.

I don't think there are any other viewing choices other that Sky/Foxtel etc. Previously they only banned Kiwi's from other sources but now that ban seems to be worldwide. They've been scum here for years with pathetic online systems so welcome to our world....
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
2016 Aussi V8 Champion - Shane Van Gisbergen.

First kiwi to win the Aussi Supercars since 1991.

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Here's Loretta Lynch waffling on about why Hillary is a special snowflake and should not be charged with treason, and Gowdy pulls her up for bullshit !

The Ministry of Social Media - Learn how you are lied too.....

And, for my american friends, how to deal with being a white male at Thanksgiving...
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
And here is the Telegraph sucking up to the BBC over S1E2...

My tame squirrel is yet to deliver my legal copy so you will need to wait for my review.

Anyway, watch it and make up your own mind. I'll just leave you with this.......

"Amid the chortles and the gorgeous landscapes, there was time for the odd moment of mucking about on the track. We met the Aston Martin Vulcan – a supercar that looked like a Transformer stuck mid-shapeshift. Later, James May brought us a fascinating piece of reportage about Johannesburg drag racers. If you didn't know better you might have thought you were watching a factual programme about automobiles. "
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y : .... wait a minute - you like Trey Gowdy?

Oh yeah, He is seriously one of the worlds best politicians......
Watch and listen to this.

You want to make America great again ?, elect Trey as Pres Thumbs up
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Or not Cool, you do need an Amazon subscription to see it legally.

I felt the first episode really showed why the BBC formulaic licencing of the Top Gear brand tends to spectacularly fail, Top Gear USA and Australia were terrible, Shouty McShoutface, the less said the better.....

And I felt that the opening (Fair use in a review) should have made it clear to the BBC why they need to create their own program.

Or not....... "The Grand Tour's debut episode has been branded "uncomfortably hubristic" in a BBC review that describes the TV show as "wanting to be a movie"."

Anyway, it's the three of them back again, some things worked, some didn't. The Ebola Track looks interesting, they took the piss out of their 'Race Driver', The 'Burning Van' was an interesting addition to the US program.

Anyway, if you like the three of them, it's compulsory viewing, camera work is outstanding and it looks like a great series.

But the BBC really need to urgently either rebrand or scrap Top Gear because the 'same old' just got smashed out of the park.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Welcome back. Smile

S2 still gives you all the content except for Rockingham which ATM is the only S3 content.

Sirocco is still on the way, VR is well supported, Tyre physics, yes they do......
Latest info here.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Yeah, 7.5 earthquake and our birdbath was 1/2 emptied....
# We will refill !

Yes Hobbitville is still here atm, one house demolished and 2 dead. A quiet typical Sun night really....

So, back to the post. Smile

Posted on friday and Racer complains about a lack of new posts on sunday....

Like no pressure, right. Smile

First thing - Ignore 99% of your media as they are presstitutes, they sold themselves years ago and are incapable of writing an honest story.

Ok, Trump on Obamacare "Trump has backed away from his pledges to repeal Obama's health care law in its entirety. He said after their meeting Thursday that he favors keeping the law's rules barring insurers from turning away those with pre-existing conditions, as well as its allowance that those up to age 26 can remain on their parents' insurance."

So, do you see an issue with that ? Cus I don't.

I doubt he could get rid of the GOP filth completely anyway, I can't stand a number of them but lets see what happens, he isn't prez till Jan 17 so give him a chance.

Your sad little SJW's, do watch what Bearing says, it's a good laugh.

And, at least with Trump you don't have that insane bitch anywhere near anything expensive.
If the US want's better candidates, sort your shit out and achieve that.

(Actually, just look at Trey Gowdy for pres, he is seriously good !!!)

This election was, like Brexit, a choice between Nationalism, and Globalism.
Nationalism won both votes...........

Oh, want a job paying $35 per hour working for George Soros ? Here ya go..

Edit: ..and the China thing. Umm, yeah. Well, we were going to tell you but you seemed so happy bombing countries we didn't want to make you sad...

See, we've been seeing China since 2008... We are just friends though and it's nothing to be concerned about... We are still BFF's, honest.

Only with you kicking us out of ANZUS, and the whole ship thing, well then with the whole TPPA thing, well, we didn't really like that either so we've also been talking with Russia, just as friends, nothing for you to worry about. Honest......

Yeah, umm, and we have been learning Chinese* but only for something to do, seeing as you don't take us out anymore............

And, you've still got Australia, and I thought America preferred dumb blonds. Smile

(*Yeah, I know but storyline)
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
A bit of a laugh, given the 'riots' and the SJW meltdowns over this election, here's one of my favourite Aussi's take on this.

(Ok, he's an Aussi and speaks Australian, we Kiwi's are used to this but if your a delicate flower, don't visit Australia. Smile )
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

The whole world wanted anyone but Hillary - That women is seriously evil, so again thanks.

But you blokes and blokettes really need to sort out your electoral system. When evryone thinks your a banana republic then you need to either change, or embrace it.

Anyway, enjoy these two short highlights video's of the election announcement.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I think Canada is safe from a rush of Clinton supporters. Once they start to work it out they'll be looking for somewhere with no extradition to the US !

Well done America. I really didn't expect enough voters to understand what Hillary would mean.

And have a good laugh at the paid for media that believed their own lies about polling. The media scream is funny by itself
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Oh, I've heard that name Peter Kadzik before, He's that wonderful Department of Justice person who is leading the investigation into Hillary that just got shut down.....

I wonder why he is emailing John Podesta this information on May 19, 2015 ????????????

You might almost think that they have known each other a long time..................

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2015-05-19 11:12
Subject: Fwd: Heads up

Additional chances for mischief.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Peter Kadzik* <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Subject: Heads up
To: John Podesta <[email protected]>

There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division
will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails. Another
filing in the FOIA case went in last night or will go in this am that
indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the

(I do believe I pointed out that the NSA is one of the US security Agencies that are after Hillary.)
It is a bit strange being on the same team for this though.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
The original investigation into Hillary's emails took a year and a half. Now they finished this one in just a week! They're amazing! Amazingly corrupt.

"The depravity of what has been found lead the NYPD Chief to also say:

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach. There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”"

This may be helpful after they steal the election through fraud.

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :Trump or Clinton? I don't know or care which one of those worthless POS will win. I just know who loses. The American People.
I'm not even bothering to vote.

Your system decided that Hillary or Donald were the 2 best choices America had. At least Donald got there honestly.

In this election, not voting is a vote for Hillary.

The crime and filth runs so deep this is a chance for america to clean up it's act.

There should be a Bill Clinton home movie release shortly so if the rest of the evidence was not enough to show what you'll get with her, that may help.

Even US Intelligence agencies and the NYPD are prepared to leak information showing how corrupt the system is.